Tuesday, October 20, 2009

vol. 55

can't even begin to explain the gamut of emotions that i've been through today...

rough morning only exacerbated by running late - yes, i just used exacerbated...

got two emails from former students/athletes thanking me for helping them get through the start of their collegiate careers (it doesn't get any better than that)

dealt with more and more idiotic parents/students as we try to get all the senior pics in - without a doubt this is my least favorite week of the year, simply because of the ineptitude (yes, ineptitude) of others who simply refuse to follow instructions or think the rules don't apply to them -- i'd love to punch whoever is in charge of the photo studio at jcpenney, especially...

got a lot of papers graded while listening to chris brown's forever on repeat - yeah, go ahead and get your chuckles - and i know i'm way late to this song's "game," but i just can't get it out of my head...it's a very good song on many, many levels...and i just noticed that that video has been viewed over 53 million times - wow - my guess is that the ad space being placed on that is at a premium

got more work done while watching the west wing -- i've gone on and on about just how good that show was -- and i got the chance to catch up on 3 tremendous episodes -- the last one had me in tears, however -- toby's brother passed away and his life is just falling apart -- aaron sorkin knows how to tell a tale like few others...

as i've said many times, i'm fascinated by how we interpret the things we see/hear, etc. - and this listing for the episode of which i speak, entitled drought conditions, barely even addresses what the entire episode was really about in my eyes... only furthers my ideas concerning just how different perspectives and different moods can alter how we see/hear what we see/hear...


  1. Glad to see you're posting again. As far as your coaching goes, I don't know if you remember, but I was on the middle school track team in 7th grade. If you remember that, you probably also remember that I was consistently in last place every time I ran. I absolutely sucked at anything even vaguely resembling sprinting or running around a track in general.

    Throughout elementary school and middle school I attended the first handful of practices of almost every sport there was, basketball, wresting, little league, etc. I only did it because I felt a ton of pressure as a boy to participate in sports or be a loser. I quit every sport I tried within a few practices because I hated them so much.

    The first sport I ever stuck with the entire season was track in 7th grade. I hated it because I was so terrible at it and I made a fool of myself every track meet, but I stuck with it because you were the coach and I didn't want you to think I was a loser, too.

    Ultimately, I think proving to myself that I could survive track led me to join the cross country team in high school where I did much, much better.

  2. scott...
    i think that your description is one of the best reasons why our sport(s) are great for everyone - because of the philosophy that everybody on the team is important as long as you're working and trying to improve, it's really easy for everyone to feel valued and part of the team...coach snider was a genius in this regard - and i know that it may sound like this is a no-brainer, but you'd be shocked at how many teams are not run in this manner...

  3. "I'd love to punch whoever is in charge of the photo studio at jcpenney" LOL
