Sunday, October 25, 2009

vol 56...

i think it's unbelievably interesting how we remember things -- what we remember from an event as well as how two people may remember how things happened in a completely different way -- i'm not talking about when a person is under stress, such as when witnessing a crime -- i'm talking about something completely different, i think...

my 20th high school reunion was a couple weeks ago and that in itself is a truly surreal experience - but i had the opportunity to visit with some great friends i haven't seen for quite some time - or for at least the 5 years since our last reunion... it's amazing the things we remember from such a long time ago -- the big things, the little things -- everything... when you're at a reunion, conversation can't help but be steered toward things that happened when we were much younger, and in many cases very different (i know that i was a very different person then than i am now...) but it's amazing how many times i was speaking with somebody and we just remembered things completely differently...

i had the chance to speak with an old friend about going to an rem concert - i certainly always remember having gone to this show -- it was a great one -- 10,000 maniacs opened, we went with sue diebold and maria frendy (two girls who were definitely out of my league) and i had to go through this unbelievable process in order to even get to the show, as i wasn't allowed to go...lies about where i was were told and i made it back just before was an awesome show -- but this is where it got interesting...

joe small and i were talking about it after the reunion and i had completely forgotten about the fact that we had actually snuck down on to the floor before rem started their set -- as soon as joe reminded me of this, i remembered it clearly -- but what is so weird to me is that until we started talking about this, i had completely forgotten this aspect -- when i thought about the show i remembered all that other stuff i mentioned, but just thought we sat in our cheap seats up high (from where we watched 10,000 maniacs) -- and i had completely forgotten about the jerk who threw the bottle that went flying right past michael stipe's head...

so i think about seeing ray lamontagne at the meyerhoff symphony with my brother tony and beck -- i think about how we moved up and got great terrace seats -- and i think about how i again saw him absolutely kill henry nearly killed me -- and i wonder if this is what tony and beck are going to remember about this show in 20 years...
or if they're going to forget that we moved down to these seats... i guess i just wonder what it is that they're going to remember when we sit down 20 years from now and think back...

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